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Get the benefits & savings you deserve.
At Molina, we’re here to help you navigate the Medicare process and find the plan that is right for you with premiums and copays starting as low as $0. If you already have Medicaid, you could be eligible for a Molina Medicare Advantage plan that allows you to combine them into one plan with one card for even more savings and benefits.
Find the Molina Medicare Advantage plan that’s right for you.
Features and benefits may include:
Pre-funded debit card to use on health care costs, plus more
Dental and vision benefits
No-cost access to fitness centers, home fitness kits, and more
Prescription drug coverage

Things to know
Before you can enroll in a Molina Medicare Advantage plan, you have to sign up for Medicare parts A & B, which is called Original Medicare. If you already receive Social Security, you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare and your card will be sent to you 60 days before your 65th birthday.
- 1.Call Social Security at (800) 772-1213
- 2.Fill out an online application at SSA.gov/benefits/medicare.
- 3.Visit a local Social Security office in person.
Then what?
Contact us to see how much you can get in savings and benefits from a Molina Medicare Advantage plan.
We’re here to help.
Call today:
(844) 353-3825, TTY: 711